Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone

Welcome to my website and my FIRST EVER BLOG POST!

I hope to do a lot of these to keep you in the loop with what’s going on in my life, what I’m working on, and what exciting new things I’ll be posting.

If you’re new to the world of Evie, let me introduce myself. I am a 25 year old, British, rather small girl with pink hair, who just loves making porn. That’s the simplified introduction at least.

I started making content as soon as I turned 18, as it was always something I knew would perfectly combine my exhibitionism and creativity and lead to me doing something I genuinely enjoy for a living.
I mean sure I would rather be sat eating cheese and watching TV than spending 16 hours editing multiple versions of me into one video, but creating something that ends up really representing the weirdness in me and having people enjoy too it is just the BEST feeling.

Like most people, I had a lot of great plans for 2020 that went down the drain, which has resulted in so many ‘projects to shoot and people to film with’ lists that are too long for me to even remember. Despite that, the work I have created and the customs I have got to make for so many amazing people has made the past year one of the best. So it can only get better when I am able to involve other performers and do bigger and better productions.

I don’t want to blab on too much in this first post as I know there will be many more, so for the time being if you’d like to see what videos I have made so far you can find them here:

Hope you’re having a lovely day and have fun browsing!

Evie Rees xx


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